Rome – The eternal city

No city in the world is quite as magnificent and amazing as Rome, the Eternal City. And there is no other city in the world that can boast a history like Rome.

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Rome in 20 seconds

There is hardly any city in the world that offers up as many sights as Rome does, and if there is a city that comes even close to that, it would without a doubt be another Italian city. As written elsewhere, it is impossible to experience all the sights in one trip unless you are here for life. And who would ever want to do that!

Rome is located in Lazio


Holiday in Rome


This is one of the most famous Roman monuments in the world. Of course it is a place you can not miss out on when in Rome, because it was here that gladiators fought wild beasts, long before our time. A time that you actually experience for yourself as you enter the huge amphitheater, the largest of its kind anywhere in the world.

The rich history is awesome and exciting, and can be told by one of the many guides that you can follow around as you walk inside the walls. You can choose to join a guided trip, for double the price of a normal entrance ticket, but the real bonus is that you get to skip the long queue, which is at its worst in the busy season but is long no matter what time of year you visit the Colosseum.

Next to the Colosseum is another great sight, the Circus Maximus, where exotic animals that were brought from far away were hunted for sport. It was here at the Maximus that the Italian national team was celebrated after the 2006 World Cup triumph, and where millions of Italians cheered them on.

colosseum rome

Foro Romano in Rome

Keeping to the same area, a short walk will bring you to the Roman Forum, once the center of Rome where political life took place. Here you will be mingling with the history of Rome, where the people who held high positions were located.

It is easy to spend many hours exploring the ancient history of this place. It was once free to enter, but these days you will have to pay 12 euros for an entrance fee. The fee also includes access to the Colosseum and Palatine Hill. The old entrance on Via dei Fiori is open to the public and this is where you can find the shortest queues.

Opening times may vary, so look out for the local media who constantly update these so that you do not visit in vain.

The Palatine Hill borders the Forum Romano, Circus Maximus and Colosseum and is the oldest area in Rome and the highest of the 7 hills. It was here that the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus were brought to by the river.

Foro Romano in Rome

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Pantheon in Rome

We have now moved on to the Pantheon, which is located between the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. The Pantheon is located at Piazza del Rotondo and the nearest metro station is the Barberini.

The Pantheon is one of the greatest architectural masterpieces of Rome. The spectacular building has exactly the same diameter as its height, which measures 43.5 meters. At the top you can see a 9 meter wide hole where natural light illuminates the entire space below.

There is always a crowd of people taking photos of the impressive building outside, as well as people enjoying a delicious Italian meal in one of the many restaurants located at Piazza della Rotonda.

Pantheoon in Rome
Trevi fountain in Rome

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is made up of architecture and sculpture that harmoniously combines with water, and the fountain is another one of the most famous sights in Rome. The fountain has been featured in several films, but is hardly surpassed by the scene where Anita Ekberg bathes in the fountain for the film, La Dolce Vita.

The area is crowded with tourists, so it can be difficult to get a good photograph in some cases. So try to reach the spot early in the morning if you can, but otherwise you might be lucky and get a good shot anyway.

The Trevi Fountain is in my opinion the most beautiful fountain in the world. And it is beautiful at all times of the day. So if you happen to see it with the night lights shining down  on it, you will not find that the experience is any worse than during the day. 

Piazza Navona

This is where you can find one of the most atmospheric piazzas in all of Rome. It was built in an elegant Baroque style, making Navona one of the most beautiful piazzas in the city. It is a truly magical place, where you will have a unique experience walking among the ancient buildings of the 16th and 17th centuries.

You will find the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) in the center of the square. Here it depicts the four river gods of the Nile, Danube, Ganges and Rio de la Plata. It was built in 1652 and is one of Bernini’s absolute masterpieces. This is also the place where you can experience the Neptune Fountain and the Moro Fountain, both located at the southern end of the square.

You can easily find somewhere to enjoy a good meal, but keep in mind that the prices here are some euros more expensive than in the rest of the city. Still, you are more than encouraged to eat here, as there is a pleasant and cozy atmosphere here, as well as a lively street scene to enjoy.

Piazza Navona in Rome
St. Peter's Square in Rome

St. Peter’s Square in Rome

This is one of the most beautiful and largest squares in the world, located at the foot of St Peter’s Basilica. It is unique in its own way, measuring 320 meters in length, and 240 meters in width, making it possible to accommodate more than 300,000 people.

The square was commissioned by Pope Alexander VII, and construction took place between 1656 and 1667. In addition to the enormous size of the square you can also see the 284 large columns that surround the square like a veranda.

At the upper part of the columns you will find 140 holy statues that were placed here in 1670. At the central part of the square there is a beautiful obelisk and two fountains. One was built by Bernini, and the other fountain was designed by Maderno. The 25 meter tall obelisk was transported to Rome from Egypt, back in 1585.